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PF48E Oil Filter FAIL ACDelco Ecore


Well it hits on 7 of 8...
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So "Now What?" as I notice oil drips under the parents 2020 GMC Savana with the 6.0L V8 gas engine.


So I tracked it down to the oil filter leaking at it's engine gasket. Less than 1000 miles from the last GM Dealer oil change. (The dealer oil change required an appointment a week out.) Oil filter is loose and the gasket looks squirmy when I attempted to tighten it up. Yes, the dealer could have screwed up the oil change: But Not Likely. (If anything one needs tools to remove a dealer oil change because they don't want this exact loose filter problem costing them an engine. So they are usually way tight.) Guess I need to tell the dealer to use a better Fing oil filter next time while they credit us this one. Note: GM has dropped the "E" off the PF48E ECore garbage now.

An internet search: Filters coming loose appears to have been a problem in the past with the Bean Counter Cheap Garbage ECore oil filters. The AFM engines are noted to clog the filters up now and them. This aerodynamic brick van does not have AFM.

As the dealer is far far away I just replaced the oil filter. It's difficult to do this as the only filter the local parts house had was a Wix. They are out of the ACDelco filters, out of the WixXP, and a scarce supply of diesel engine oil (as in only a couple brands in stock).



It looks like ACDelco's supplier may have screwed up the top plate.



Some random PF48E below and note the area around the threads has a gap on the top plate on mine but not this one. o_O


With Wix oil filters now being random Puralotor guts in them because the company that ran Tear-O-Laters into the ground owns Wix now...

Any good filter companies left that are not part of FRAM (Now First Brands Group, LLC) or Mann-Hummel Purolator? ACDelco has Champion labs owned by FRAM make their oil filters.

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I've always thought Wix to be a good go to brand for filters. never heard anything bad about them. since I have worked in the shop I'm at now I have learned some from the Fleetguard and Donaldson filter reps we deal with. only problem is that those two don't seem to be available to the general public. Baldwin is another that I really haven't heard issues about ether.

I kinda have steered away from AC Delco filters over the last few years mainly due to Walmart stores carrying them on their shelves. kinda like the old Champion brand spark plugs on their shelves. It's was always rumored that all those name brand mfg's would send their rejects to be sold on Walmart's shelves, don't know if that was ever true.
We run Napa proselect (WIX) filters at the shop for years with zero issues. WIX was bought out 6 years ago and ive seen no issues with the MANN+HUMMEL built filters. I still use AC Delco on my daily. Both have never given me any problems. We had one bad batch of Toyota filters that leaked at the seam. But thats the only issue we ever ran into. And we caught the problem right away since our lube techs run every vehicle after a oil change and look for leaks.

I always tighten the LS filter with a strap wrench. They tend to loosen up if you dont.
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Rockabillyrat hit it- LS filters come loose if you don’t go that last 1/4 turn. It’s the block not the filter.
It takes more time and is annoying- but if ya wanna be safe, get a hose clamp to fit the filter and some lockwire. Drill the drain plug and now both are far safer.
Different engine in pic obviously but you get the idea
We run Napa proselect (WIX) filters at the shop for years with zero issues. WIX was bought out 6 years ago and ive seen no issues with the MANN+HUMMEL built filters.

Sadly past experience is all MANN+HUMMEL is going on... while they ran Puralotor and now running Wix into the ground. Supposedly they don't sharpen the media cutter as often as they used too and this is why the Puralotor filters media tears in use.

Again Wix oil filter cans are showing up with Puralotor guts and date codes on them. :facepalm: Last thing I need is a Tear-O-Later filter in a Wix can.

Both Hastings and Donaldson PF48 filters are "paper" and nothing special specification wise.
I can lookup to see if the Fleetguard filter is made of paper or a synthetic media. both them and Donaldson might make a heavy duty version with a better media. for our trucks if I can find taller filter using the same thread and bypass + micron rating maybe that will be a new go to. or a remote mount cartridge style for those who want it.
@dbrannon79 I would love to know if they make or would make a better PF48 oil filter. @RockAutoLLC carries the HASTINGS / BALDWIN filter.

Longer is a PF63, but, the bypass valve in the filter is set higher.

The TSB for low or lost oil pressure due to AFM, Active Fuel Management, says to use a ACDelco UPF48R oil filter.

It's coming down to "who warranties the filter" and I am leaning toward it being all GM. Part of the reason I had the GM dealer do the oil change.
Sadly past experience is all MANN+HUMMEL is going on... while they ran Puralotor and now running Wix into the ground. Supposedly they don't sharpen the media cutter as often as they used too and this is why the Puralotor filters media tears in use.

Again Wix oil filter cans are showing up with Puralotor guts and date codes on them. :facepalm: Last thing I need is a Tear-O-Later filter in a Wix can.

Both Hastings and Donaldson PF48 filters are "paper" and nothing special specification wise.

Ive see a change in a few filters over the last couple of years. But ive got a few thousand customers running these filters every day with zero issues to date. I would feel comfortable running the Napa filters on anything.
I wonder about the Mobil 1 filters.
It seems that they are made by Champion Labs, another company I know nothing about.
I have been using the mobil 1s on My vehicles now for a couple of years and have had no problems with them.
Consider known filters that DO NOT GO THE DISTANCE like the bad rash of torn Puralotor "Tear-O-Laters" that are all over the internet, Ecores that were redesigned due to failures, FRAM OCOD taking engines out and Good Luck with the FRAM claim process. Even Wix filter failures were a known problem taking out RAM Cummins Diesel engines a long while back.

Then consider the rare defect I ran into with the Mobil1 filter.

Mobil1 filters are made by Champion Labs who is owned by "name of the day" FRAM conglomerate. (Same company makes the ACDelco oil filters.) Reported a unglued pleat on one of their Mobil1 filters and FRAM didn't give a damn... if they had a bad batch etc. Of course you would only see it if you cut the filter open.

Rating Blah Blah Blah comes down to who makes and warranties the filter if you have a problem. The rating on the expensive high-end Mobil1 filter I contacted FRAM about was 0% capturing nothing. Sadly the PF48 is in the no quality filter arena with the former quality filter makers bought up and being cheapened out. There are actually worse out there floating in from Communist China, but, with the bar set this damn low: who is going to notice?

Mobil1 filter defect.


Common Puralotor "Tear-O-Later" media failure in a Bosch can now coming to a Wix filter near you.

Could very well be, @Will L., could very well be. I flat out don't trust or buy any oil filter brand that WallyMart sells. Period. I only run WixXP or NAPA Gold oil filters in my vehicles. Have my daughter take her 97 Camry to WallyMart for their cheapy $19.99 oil and filter change every 3K miles since it's a short enough interval with almost all city driving to be no harm, no foul with their house brand oil and basic Fram filter that should last 3000 miles.
Just finished watching engine masters do a oil filter show. I have it recorded but no clue how to share it. Hopefully someone posts it to YouTube soon. It’s 1/2 hour show- minus commercials would be maybe 20 minutes? But recording on my phone and sending a million text videos could be done if someone knows how to put it all together for sharing.

they did not show failure or do actual filtering tests to verify each company filters to the level they advertise. They did dyno tests and gpm flow and psi tests.

Dyno proved basically no power gains from no filter to the worst.

Flow test showed more volume and pressure advantages from different ones. The full race Clear View screen stand alone unit flow almost same as no filter at all.

Their choice in end was the K&N gold. It flows close to no filter at all and filters the very best at 10 microns.

There is still better options as we all discussed before likenthe bypass filtering through Frantz or if you can bump the incoming pressure to the centrifuge for it to do way better than the Frantz.

a couple pics from the show:

the graph is no filter, race clear view and the wix race filter. Note the micron ratings in the



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Oh yeah- he made a comment I was thinking:
The wix gold and the k&n gold- be funny to find out one is making the other.

they did show internals in the filters and touched on good and bad assembly.

the “dinky delco” is the tiny stock LS oil filter. They didn’t get the bigger delco, they expected the dinky fo not flow good at all- but it kicked butt. The thought is the big delco would obviously flow more.