So "Now What?" as I notice oil drips under the parents 2020 GMC Savana with the 6.0L V8 gas engine.

So I tracked it down to the oil filter leaking at it's engine gasket. Less than 1000 miles from the last GM Dealer oil change. (The dealer oil change required an appointment a week out.) Oil filter is loose and the gasket looks squirmy when I attempted to tighten it up. Yes, the dealer could have screwed up the oil change: But Not Likely. (If anything one needs tools to remove a dealer oil change because they don't want this exact loose filter problem costing them an engine. So they are usually way tight.) Guess I need to tell the dealer to use a better Fing oil filter next time while they credit us this one. Note: GM has dropped the "E" off the PF48E ECore garbage now.
An internet search: Filters coming loose appears to have been a problem in the past with the Bean Counter Cheap Garbage ECore oil filters. The AFM engines are noted to clog the filters up now and them. This aerodynamic brick van does not have AFM.
As the dealer is far far away I just replaced the oil filter. It's difficult to do this as the only filter the local parts house had was a Wix. They are out of the ACDelco filters, out of the WixXP, and a scarce supply of diesel engine oil (as in only a couple brands in stock).

It looks like ACDelco's supplier may have screwed up the top plate.

Some random PF48E below and note the area around the threads has a gap on the top plate on mine but not this one.

With Wix oil filters now being random Puralotor guts in them because the company that ran Tear-O-Laters into the ground owns Wix now...
Any good filter companies left that are not part of FRAM (Now First Brands Group, LLC) or Mann-Hummel Purolator? ACDelco has Champion labs owned by FRAM make their oil filters.

So I tracked it down to the oil filter leaking at it's engine gasket. Less than 1000 miles from the last GM Dealer oil change. (The dealer oil change required an appointment a week out.) Oil filter is loose and the gasket looks squirmy when I attempted to tighten it up. Yes, the dealer could have screwed up the oil change: But Not Likely. (If anything one needs tools to remove a dealer oil change because they don't want this exact loose filter problem costing them an engine. So they are usually way tight.) Guess I need to tell the dealer to use a better Fing oil filter next time while they credit us this one. Note: GM has dropped the "E" off the PF48E ECore garbage now.
An internet search: Filters coming loose appears to have been a problem in the past with the Bean Counter Cheap Garbage ECore oil filters. The AFM engines are noted to clog the filters up now and them. This aerodynamic brick van does not have AFM.
As the dealer is far far away I just replaced the oil filter. It's difficult to do this as the only filter the local parts house had was a Wix. They are out of the ACDelco filters, out of the WixXP, and a scarce supply of diesel engine oil (as in only a couple brands in stock).

It looks like ACDelco's supplier may have screwed up the top plate.

Some random PF48E below and note the area around the threads has a gap on the top plate on mine but not this one.

With Wix oil filters now being random Puralotor guts in them because the company that ran Tear-O-Laters into the ground owns Wix now...
Any good filter companies left that are not part of FRAM (Now First Brands Group, LLC) or Mann-Hummel Purolator? ACDelco has Champion labs owned by FRAM make their oil filters.
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