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No, Really . . .


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
Ok, so disclaimer up-front: DO NOT TRY THIS!

With the disclaimer out of the way, makes me wonder how many copy-cats are going to try this . . . :eek:
That was dumb. Gee, 20 year old plus cars have worn steering and suspension components enough that they wont track straight compared to a brand new car? Who would have guessed that?

Have a shop replace all the worn components and do a 4 wheel alignment, then maybe it is a fair comparison.

As for people copying this- thats how some of the prople drive anyways it seems- just go till they bump something...
I go up hwy 25 every morning to go to work and alot of mornings I’ll get passed by a red Honda Accord. The lady is by herself thank goodness but she is almost always looking in the rear view mirror putting on her makeup with both hands. Ive seen her for a couple years now. I’ve seen her just a few miles from my house on the hwy putting on makeup and I’ve seen her about 20 miles from my house on the hwy putting on makeup. It evidently takes her a while to get ready. It amazes me that she has went this long and has not gotten in a wreck that I’ve seen. I’ve been waiting on the day that I pass her and she’s on the side of the road with blue lights behind her.
I’ve 2 sisters. One excellent driver, a pro OTR trucker for years. the other has quarterly accidents and half are her fault, if she were better should could have avoided some that weren’t her fault as well as ones she caused.

Different people have different skill sets. I would venture to say the gal you see adding makeup is probably a better driver while doing the war paint than my one sister while perfectly concentrating.
I go up hwy 25 every morning to go to work and alot of mornings I’ll get passed by a red Honda Accord. The lady is by herself thank goodness but she is almost always looking in the rear view mirror putting on her makeup with both hands. Ive seen her for a couple years now. I’ve seen her just a few miles from my house on the hwy putting on makeup and I’ve seen her about 20 miles from my house on the hwy putting on makeup. It evidently takes her a while to get ready. It amazes me that she has went this long and has not gotten in a wreck that I’ve seen. I’ve been waiting on the day that I pass her and she’s on the side of the road with blue lights behind her.

She might be ok till retirement, then one day a big deer might run out in front of here, or farmer joe pulls out at a slow speed in front of her.
I’ve 2 sisters. One excellent driver, a pro OTR trucker for years. the other has quarterly accidents and half are her fault, if she were better should could have avoided some that weren’t her fault as well as ones she caused.

Different people have different skill sets. I would venture to say the gal you see adding makeup is probably a better driver while doing the war paint than my one sister while perfectly concentrating.

You are right about the skill sets for sure, some people cannot walk and chew gum at the same time let alone drive a car and listen to the radio. Lots of terrible drivers out there, many drive way above their ability, in many ways. They don't slow down in a heavy rain, or in snow or ice conditions. They feel they have something to prove, some think their better than a race car driver and can handle anything. Many soccer moms and even grown men think just because they have an AWD or 4 wheel drive vehicle than can haul Arse at normal speeds in bad weather conditions. Pay attention in snow and ice conditions on the roads, some of the big crashes are 4 wheel drive vehicles, usually they roll over a few times, because they were hauling Arse and loose control. Trust me I have seen my share of them over the years.

As far as accidents, we don't call car crashes accidents around here. They are called collisions, probably 90 percent or more of vehicle collisions are caused by human error and can be avoided. Most all collisions can be avoided in one way or another, its a fact, only ones that can't be controlled would be an act of nature, like a person is driving down the road and a big oak tree falls on their car or maybe an animal Collison such as hitting a deer or other animal, those things are hard avoid.
Black ice will kick anyone's ass. Esp. unexpected from snowbank melting on side of a dry road. Full power towing a grade and the rear end steps out. Wild ride to recover that. The skid marks were impressive. Motivation was 18 wheeler head on with POS coffin on wheels shitbox as a cream filling if trailer now wagging the truck wasn't recovered.

Low bidder roads don't help that are not maintained and that includes bridges that are in bad shape getting hit with corrosive salt treatment they didn't have or test when built. Poor dranage from government planning is standard as per above.

Even the Uber self driving cars will run down a pedestrian not in a crosswalk.

Distracted driving mows em down on a sidewalk.
I've lived in New York Florida Tennessee Virginia and Oklahoma... And what always amazed me was when I lived in zephyrhills Florida there were thousands of people who lived in the North.. New York . Michigan..etc.. their whole lives theve drove in sleet..hail... snow... on black ice.. you name it... Then they move to Florida and everytime it rains the least little bit there is a 50-car pile-up on the 301... I learned to put my good truck in the garage during snowbird season when I lived there... And only take it out when all the snowbirds headed back North for the summer..lol.. I will say with some of the people I see putting on makeup or shaving or reading the paper or whatever while driving if they put all that concentration into just driving they could win the Indy 500.. and you are very right AK if you watch the road and learn how to read the road black ice won't be that big of an issue for you ..you just have to know the conditions you're driving in and be prepared.. but of course there is always the Oh SH*#..category