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Need opinions on a 92 C2500HD, runs rough and smokes, no blowby

GM Guy

Manual Trans. 2WD Enthusiast
Reaction score
NW Kansas and SC Idaho
Hey all,

I have ran onto a 1992 GMC C2500HD, RCLB

6.5L 5spd 2wd, 238,000 miles.

Story goes the PO to the current owner was a trucker (or retired trucker?) that pulled his camper with it, had holes drilled in the box for rails that are no longer installed.

He and the current owner changed oil every 3K miles. trucker bought it around 60 or 65K miles, and ran it to around 200K, did a clutch at 160K.

Anyways, it is running rough, shakes at idle, and hazes a gray/white smoke.

The big clue is next to nothing for blowby, just a barely detectable slightly puffy whisp that you can barely view with a flashlight staring straight down the oil filler.

Injectors have never been done to anyones knowledge, quite possibly the originals.

I took it for a loop from one interstate exit to another. It will accelerate great, and under hard throttle it will smooth up a little, but the miss never completely goes away. T-stat is stuck open, never got much above about 125-150.

So, I wanted ot run it by you guys to see what you thought, I am thinking its just way overdue for injectors, and nothing mechanically is wrong with it. Timing may be a tad off due to timing chain stretch.

What do you think?
also wanted to add its a SLE trim with no rust, flaking paint, and the body damage is ony 4 spots, 3 of which are tiny. one barely noticeable very shallow dent on the lip of the hood (hit a bird?) and one on the roof (baseball?) When he did the clutch, he cut the tunnel a little, just two slices and raised the tin, and when done, bent it back to normal. (not noticeable anywhere except underneath looking up at the floor pan.)

Then, the only major issue is the Left rear tire blew out and bent up the back lower part of the box.

But is a eastern OR/ western ID truck, little moisture in a year (around 10-12 inches IIRC) so only light surface rust on the un-painted frame, no body rust.

Interior is decent, roof liner is going to crap, and the plastic trim at the top of the door pillar is broke. otherwise very clean. SLE trim, which means carpet, and the cloth bench has the built in hidden flip down armrest. Someone did a terrible job putting in a stereo, but luckily did such a terrible job that its all easly removeable, except for the cut out pocket under the vent. (literally had the speakers sitting in the rear between the seat and the window un-secured, wires running on top of the carpet.
Cruise, A/C (locked up compressor) and tilt wheel.

There is an issue with hopefully the headlight switch, no running lights, and a hot smell mostly under the hood, but a little from the dash. The guy loved to power wash the engine bay, so I hope he didnt cause any issues there.

slight tailshaft leak on the 5 speed (shifts nice, no 3rd gear grind) and the pinion is leaking on the 14 bolt. shocks at some point, steering is not sloppy, but is not super tight. much better than some of mine though. :)

THe CL add said 1900 OBO, and we asked him what his bottom dollar was, and he said 1500.

So, what's everyone's opinion?

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bubbling in radiator? Head gaskets are due.

worn out injection pump, advance piston is way beyond gone in something with these miles.
think he got the EGTs too high with the sloppy injectors Will?

Think that rings might let go?

I am debating about offering 1300 cash and letting him keep his "good" battery.

AK, Is that value based on it being a 2wd? :) I know if I was in Alaska, i would likely not even have a 2wd.... ok maybe just one... :)

Basically the truck is a mediocre deal, but I had him check the glovebox codes and it does have the GT5 4.10s, and the G80 gov-lock. IMO the 4.10s are not a discount, but definitely not a positive, would much prefer 3.73s or 3.42s. but the G80 would be quite helpful in a few situations.

I think the condition of the body makes up for some of the issues, will be difficult to find that high of trim level in a reg. cab 2wd again...

Damn I got the fever...... :)
Every car or truck I ever heard of they all say maintenance was done by the book. 1 time I believed the guy- when he handed me a couple notebooks that even detailed which tires needed air added to them.

I just figure at 280,000 it's getting mighty close. No blow by is a great sign that the rings aren't hurting, so maybe I'm just a nervous nelly. I see the distance you run your rigs(maybe not this one) and figure breaking down between places it would be worth it. In my mind Kansas to Idaho isn't a short jot.
Warwagon, not yet, but I am thinking of cashing the harvest check tomorrow....

Will, 238K, not 280K.

The 93 blew at 269K, high EGTs killed it, I think some rings came apart, so its allways a possibility. IMO that one was my fault, no guage, and a GM1 turbo, with my foot buried in 4th at 2600, it was a receipe for disaster.
miss, and white smoke without blowby... crack injector lines one at a time and see if the smoke stops when the miss does...

could be a rocker button failure. check the oil level and see if it's thin or raising.