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Neat Article


Staff member
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
One phrase really caught my attention:

[SIZE=-1]I seem to have a tendency to do the insane thing and try the same thing again, expecting different results. At least I did until I got one of those magnetic signs to stick on my toolbox that says, "Make new mistakes."[/SIZE]

This guy is smart!:thumbsup:

This guy should teach at all the gm tech schools. Understand the problem not just throw parts at it on the customers bill.
try the same thing again, expecting different results

^^^^ One of the definitions of insanity ^^^^

While *Find the problem & then fix it* isn't an old idea, it seems to be fairly obscure these days. I can see a kid out in his driveway figuring that it MUST be the most expensive part that's broke, buy and install a new one, and still have the same problem; but the *pros* have NO EXCUSE. If I were ever put in the position of having to HAVE someone else work on one of my vehicles (chain saw accident comes to mind) and they pulled this - It's definately lawyer time! (The result of getting more mature, btw. I hear that prision food sucks, so my first recourse thought is out.)
Now Jim why would anyone in there right mind want to fully understand the scope of an issue before spending money, why that is just so un PC, political careers and empires have been made at spending money without understanding the issue.
Now Jim why would anyone in there right mind want to fully understand the scope of an issue before spending money, why that is just so un PC, political careers and empires have been made a spending money without understanding the issue.


Exactly. The US as a society has microwave and disposable mentality. We want to get things fast, hence, throw in the parts with the hope we find the right one to replace and can fix it fast. If we could not fix it then we throw it away.
That's funny. I know some guys who think it's pretty strange that I am perfectly happy driving around a 14 year old vehicle. I like things that last, and I like to KNOW what a problem is and THEN fix it. Nice article, Jim!

-Rob :)
Now Jim why would anyone in there right mind want to fully understand the scope of an issue before spending money, why that is just so un PC, political careers and empires have been made at spending money without understanding the issue.

Before spending SOMEONE ELSE's money to boot.

Great read is right.
There are still people who take pride in there work.... Sad to say they are a dying breed.

Good read, stuff like this keeps that "glimmer" of light on, when the majority of attitude's and actions are geared toward the quick buck and the all mighty dollar at any expense.

Hope comes to mind.

Thanks again,