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Goodness, gracious 3bals RV a-fire!


135' diagonal 16:9HD, 25KW sound!
Reaction score
Lincoln, NE
Breaking sad news.

Just received a message from Jody @3bals as to why he didn't make it into Lincoln yesterday evening on he and his wife's vacation. At MM74 on I-80 in Iowa yesterday afternoon there was a fire in the engine compartment of his P-30 chassis-based motorhome that quickly spread to the rest of the coach and totally destroyed it.

He, his wife Carole, and their two cats made it out ok. They lost pretty much everything in the fire, clothes, cellphones, laptop, etc. He just Messengered me off a Walmart-purchased cell phone.

Their RV (what was left of it) was towed into Atlantic, IA. They are going to see what, if anything, is still salvageable from their motorhome.

For those of you who recall, Jody did a thread on here about his P400 repower project via Peninsular on the motorhome and all the "fun" encounters along the way with the oil pan, custom headers, new B/W turbo, new transmission woes, as well as his posting about our fun adventure 11 years ago driving it back from Reno, NV in February on I-80.

There will be more posted as more news breaks. Jody has told me he will post on here with pictures of the carnage. I know @WarWagon will be jealous as somebody has finally out carnaged him!

So glad he and Carole made it out OK with the cats. So bummed that all that work done on that motorhome went up in flames, including what was done in preparation for this trip.

I was looking forward to them coming back through here ten days from now for the annual Zoofest Blues Festival, enjoying some of Lincoln's Nationally Award-winning microbreweries' products and parting ways the next day before Garth Brooks's Memorial Stadium concert before 90,000 fans.

The important thing is that he, his wife, and their cats are safe. Things can be replaced.

Jody will post more (with pictures, because we ALL know the rule on here: No pictures, it didn't happen!) to follow shortly from his new phone.

Oh My goodness. That is so sad. The best part is that they and their cats are all safe and unscathed. What an ordeal.
Yeah, I do remember that thread, it was heart wrenching what they had gone through with that unit.
I hope the insurance company is fair and takes into consideration all tjat they had spent to get that unit fit for the road.
Insurance co was going to total My 93 K1500 GMC, until I told them that would be fine, I’ll pull my engine, trans and T-Case and they can have the rest. I proved up receipts then they decided totaling the truck was not such a good idea.
UPDATE: My apologies to Jody. His wife's name is Connie, not Carole. My bad, chalk that up to the shock of the moment and having just turned 60 a month ago.

Thats ok, you are allowed several passes, after 55, we should be allowed such..... ;)

So glad no humans or animals were hurt, that's number one. Material things can be replaced.
Latest update from Jody. They were towing Connie's Equinox behind the motorhome, so they weren't stranded in Atlantic, Iowa. They got back home just after midnight this morning. Jody just texted me a picture of what's left of the motorhome that the Iowa State Trooper had taken and sent to him of it. He and Connie are driving back down to Atlantic from the Twin Cities tomorrow to see if there's anything in the way of personal items salvageable left (he lost his wallet in the fire) and to take photos for the Ins. Co. I'm going to try and meet them over there.Screenshot_20210803-160108.jpg
Hope our forum mate down under in Aussie land is aware of this, as he has one of these P-30-based motorhomes, too.
Never has there been a week that an rv/bus/tt didn’t go up in flames here. There is tons of tow yards where they sit and wait for insurance to pay them to scrap them.

Based on how his p400 is (engine usually survives rebuildable) Be might find out about the buy back or if the storage yard will pull and charge for the labor. Or maybe he has no desire to do another 6.5?
There are a lot of us on here who understand the heartache of watching or having a "project" like this "go away". 💔

This isn't just another scar along the road that is really common here. I really feel for em. Wonder what kind of miles and years they finally got out of it?

The important thing is they walked away. I will be checking the fire extinguishers in my vehicles. (Not that it does much good sometimes.)

It's going to be hard to find a replacement RV in this market. Maybe this fall when people don't want to store em. I wouldn't bother with an engine that been through a fire: it's been severly overheated and FD shock cooled that may warp/crack castings. As P400's are not made now it may be worth the risk to someone and a full rebuild.
If it had hurned to the ground- I would say maybe it got too hot. But that fire didn’t.
I wonder what started it. All to often is power steering fluid/atf. Centermount turbo using the figure 8 seal could leak and cause it too.