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Big news from KOS... diesel motorspots going to see big changes.


SlIgHtLy StUpId.
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The King of the Streets competition just announced today that all trucks must be emmisions compliant to compete. I have a feeling this will become a trend for all street driven trucks. And only dedicated competition trucks will be exempt from emissions. Another reason to own a pre emmisions diesel.
I heard a pretty smart dude at work that follows epa stuff saying the law they passed back in obama’s 2nd term set it that all vehicles in the country are subject to passing smog requirements except for motorcycles. I asked him about it and he said it is just an option that a state or county choose not to enforce. But because it is a federal they could just choose to start enforcing it at any time. The reason smaller local gubmints don't is they don’t see positive cash flow from it. Yet.
I heard a pretty smart dude at work that follows epa stuff saying the law they passed back in obama’s 2nd term set it that all vehicles in the country are subject to passing smog requirements except for motorcycles. I asked him about it and he said it is just an option that a state or county choose not to enforce. But because it is a federal they could just choose to start enforcing it at any time. The reason smaller local gubmints don't is they don’t see positive cash flow from it. Yet.
Lest we forget there are more than a few SCOTUS rulings "that the feds cannot commandeer state, county or local government entities to enforce federal law schemes..."
More clarification about the changes. They split the competition into two classes. All 08+ trucks must have factory emissions installed for the KOS class. All pre 08 trucks will be in a new All Truck Challenge.
I heard a pretty smart dude at work that follows epa stuff saying the law they passed back in obama’s 2nd term set it that all vehicles in the country are subject to passing smog requirements except for motorcycles. I asked him about it and he said it is just an option that a state or county choose not to enforce. But because it is a federal they could just choose to start enforcing it at any time. The reason smaller local gubmints don't is they don’t see positive cash flow from it. Yet.

The never did emission testing in my rural county, but other counties that had larger populations did the emission testing. However some counties have dropped out of it recently. I often heard people say that it was hard for many vehicles to pass the test. I believe some testing sites that were repair shops were just trying to drum up some business by failing them. Diesel vehicles were exempt from the testing.

Our state legislatures are not into that green new deal way of thinking stuff. Their concerned about the environment, but they seem to use common sense on the environmental laws that they pass.
Yeah but now:
Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis

This is what they have been saying they will do for years and part of that is to have the feds enforce it by economic penalty. You folks that don’t smog right now aren’t in a panic and they will force larger areas first. But if this clown show goes on for 8 years or more- it is gonna happen

Here it used to be only gas cars and pickups under 10,000 lbs. and 1967 and newer. The year is the same cut off now but gas, diesel, up to 20,000. And certain semi trucks now. They almost did all semi trucks but the company backed out that was going to out in a 6 semi dyno bay set up when many major carriers just started registering in other states to avoid it.

As to concern for the people- you think people here, California, etc wanted it? When I buy a used rig, i ask first “will it pass smog test right now?” If yes Then tell them i will come look at it and test drive it. The end of the test drive is going to a smog shop where they will test it. If it passes i pay for smog test and will buy the rig. If it fails THEY have to pay for the fail and I will not buy it. Right then anyone covering anything up usually hangs up or tells me off and hangs up. Rigs with no issues they say “OK, that’s smart. My address is...”

Look at California-passed law of ALL passenger vehicles be no emissions (electric only) in 2035. It wasnt 2 months later that GM said all electrical 2035. That will screw over millions living there. Sux to suk.
However; EO's hold no weight whatsoever if not enforced on the state level as we witnessed by Trumps EO relating to foreign interference in US elections. Italy has admitted the US election was fixed by via satellite from ROME and yet nothing whatsoever was or has been done to who ever did the nasty. I will make further comment in the proper forum.
Abortion is illegal in many locations but not enforced because of roe means if pushed far enough the person wont serve sentence.
Marijuana is illegal federally but many states legalize it so isn’t enforced.

It’s pick and choose if they want to go by federal, state, or local. That is usually decided by public opinion trend of the moment because elected official wanting re-elected, and which group is in power at the time and how radical they are pursuing that item.

Right or wrong/legal or illegal ofsomething happening means nothing in the end. Are people willing to go to jail, loose propertymoney, or even life over it. When not willing to go all in things don’t get brought to justice.
Abortion is illegal in many locations but not enforced because of roe means if pushed far enough the person wont serve sentence.
Marijuana is illegal federally but many states legalize it so isn’t enforced.

It’s pick and choose if they want to go by federal, state, or local. That is usually decided by public opinion trend of the moment because elected official wanting re-elected, and which group is in power at the time and how radical they are pursuing that item.

Right or wrong/legal or illegal ofsomething happening means nothing in the end. Are people willing to go to jail, loose propertymoney, or even life over it. When not willing to go all in things don’t get brought to justice.