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Air in fuel line video

Will L.

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Boulder City Nv
From a 6.2 I am helping my nephew on, I recorded a 14 second video of a MASSIVE air intrusion. My IT department (teenage sons) are busy and I have no clue on uploading to youtube.

Anyone here willing to upload the video?
Please include a description of a loose hose clamp or cracked rubber fuel line being most common cause. This truck is hard to start and has occasional dying at idle.

Then if needed a clear line on ip input side, that no bubbles in & bubbles out means repair/ rebuild ip.

Also include a link to TTS for any help about the 6.2/6.5

If I can tie down one of my boys for a bit, I will get it posted and throw a link here for future reference.

I want to get a video of a minor leak, and a video of the acceptable “trapped bubble” as well to show the differences.
He picked a name for me as “Hummer Dude” then tried to change it to “Hummer VS” because when I pushed over the wall. smh.
Then educated me to record the videos with the phone sideways.

This truck was really hard to start. Easily died at idle. I got tired of him not installing the clear line and this was the result.
We’ll see when he digs into it. Aggravating trying to get a kid to help himself.
Ha! This observation has existed since the days that humans learned to communicate :)

In time, he will have the same observation about his kin and you will get to sit back and laugh! :D
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