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Turn Signals Kaput


Доверяй, но проверяй
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Saratoga Springs, UT
Made a Left U-turn yesterday and, after turning the wheel, activated the left turn signal. The normal blinker noise rhythm / noise pattern accelerated and then quit. From then on, no turn signal noises, no dash indicator and, upon external inspection, no functioning turn signals right or left. Hazards weren’t working either.
Checked fuses.
#1 Stop Hazards Fuse was scorched. Replaced, scorched again when hazards activated and they still didn’t blink.
Changed it out again and still no Hazards but, I did have brake lights. Got home and suddenly the Hazards wanted to play…for a bit. Fuse blew. As long as I don’t use the turn signals or hazards, the #1 fuse stays happy.
#16 Turn Signals / Back Up Fuse was toast also. Put in a replacement and no signals but, got a newly popped fuse to add to the growing collection. No need to try again.
Wipers still work and I’ll bet the cruise control still does too.
Before fully condemning the Multi-Function Switch, I guess the flasher relay under the dash should be swapped. Certainly less expensive than the AC/Delco original D826A something or other at $270 plush S&H. CKO’s are available for <$50 but, how reliable? Reviews are positive but, the few that aren’t say they last anywhere from two weeks to two years.

The Right turn signal cancelation has been wonky for years requiring a quick little extra left counter to deactivate so I’ve had that Multi-Function switch on the radar for a while. Watching YouTube vids for change out instructions. Joy!
At least on yours, you don't have to pull the steering wheel to get the switch out. not sure what the cost is but one from Orieily's would at least have warranty that you can get in person customer service on rather than ordering online somewhere.
@dbrannon79 "At least on yours, you don't have to pull the steering wheel to get the switch out."
Brother, I love your optimism but, one must definitely remove the steering wheel (step 5) along with the air-bag (step 3), lower column cover, along with removing the key cylinder (step 11) to get the upper column cover removed to get to the two T-25 Torx screws holding the Multi-Function Switch to the column (step 13). Minus the sub-tasks, there's 19 or so tasks to the removal.

And it looks like I get to enjoy all 19 of 'em because I tested the relay with a spare and 'Pop goes the [fuses].'

Disassemble will wait till tomorrow. Day of Rest and all...swapping a relay is about as much "ox into the mire" I'm willing to push today.

New Multi-Function Switch arrives tomorrow afternoon/evening so there's no rush. It comes with a lifetime warranty and had the highest positive to negative ratings on the sites.
@dbrannon79 "At least on yours, you don't have to pull the steering wheel to get the switch out."
Brother, I love your optimism but, one must definitely remove the steering wheel (step 5) along with the air-bag (step 3), lower column cover, along with removing the key cylinder (step 11) to get the upper column cover removed to get to the two T-25 Torx screws holding the Multi-Function Switch to the column (step 13). Minus the sub-tasks, there's 19 or so tasks to the removal.

And it looks like I get to enjoy all 19 of 'em because I tested the relay with a spare and 'Pop goes the [fuses].'

Disassemble will wait till tomorrow. Day of Rest and all...swapping a relay is about as much "ox into the mire" I'm willing to push today.

New Multi-Function Switch arrives tomorrow afternoon/evening so there's no rush. It comes with a lifetime warranty and had the highest positive to negative ratings on the sites.
My apologizes.... I stand corrected, after i read your post I went and looked at the old column I have in the back that came out of my 95 and sure enough the steering wheel does have to be removed. drats LOL
Successfully made the swap today. In a sense, dbrannon79 was correct in that one really doesn't need to remove the steering wheel IF you have a means of accessing the forward screw w/ a T-25 torx "L" vs wanting to hit it with a socket. So, no airbag or steering wheel removal and I didn't have to remove the key cylinder to remove the top cover either.

It became apparent early on that a previous owner must have done this job before. The lower column cover was missing a screw and both the screws that hold the top column cover are AWOL. The top cover slipped right over the key cylinder too. The 7mm screw that secures the main connector to its mount under the dash was missing as was a "green safety clip" on a two wire safety switch on the gear selector linkage. Shortened the work being able to skip more than half the main steps.

Old multi-function switch was pretty worn out. A lot of plastic debris at the cancelation lever, a copper floating pin was unrecognizable and while there was no visible damage to the wiring, connectors or contact points, all the wires looked old. Almost browned from age or heat.

Anyway, everything works as it should so, one more thing off my list of 'some day I' gotta address that' list.
Longer drive in heavier traffic hauling the first load of son’s gear. Changing lanes a bunch and ‘poof’ goes the turn signals.
“Rat Farts”
Daughter-in-law driving behind us confirmed the brake lights were still good so it was only Turn Signal Fuse blown. When I got stopped I started disconnecting the turn signals one at a time. Right side activation tested good but, when connected, the 12 yr old left front LED resulted in a blown fuse. Tried disconnecting one lead and then the other and the fuse blew each time. Figured it would but, I had (HAD) a plethora of 20 amp fuses. Sometimes it would blink a couple of times, sometimes longer and, other times, the fuse would immediately blow. Swapped in the one amber incandescent I had laying around and after a couple of minutes the fuse hadn’t blown. So I dusted off an OEM type housing and drove the rest of the day w/o issues. Guess I have a nice new Multi-Function Switch, an old spare, and four new 1157 amber bulbs to start March with.
Longer drive in heavier traffic hauling the first load of son’s gear. Changing lanes a bunch and ‘poof’ goes the turn signals.
“Rat Farts”
Daughter-in-law driving behind us confirmed the brake lights were still good so it was only Turn Signal Fuse blown. When I got stopped I started disconnecting the turn signals one at a time. Right side activation tested good but, when connected, the 12 yr old left front LED resulted in a blown fuse. Tried disconnecting one lead and then the other and the fuse blew each time. Figured it would but, I had (HAD) a plethora of 20 amp fuses. Sometimes it would blink a couple of times, sometimes longer and, other times, the fuse would immediately blow. Swapped in the one amber incandescent I had laying around and after a couple of minutes the fuse hadn’t blown. So I dusted off an OEM type housing and drove the rest of the day w/o issues. Guess I have a nice new Multi-Function Switch, an old spare, and four new 1157 amber bulbs to start March with.
How much You want for Your old switch ?
On My MF switch the emergency flashers dont stay on unless I set there and manually hold the button.
I been in a couple of situations where that was not a good option.
Let Me know if You want to part with it and arrangements can be made.
I bet if he/she could have fit, every time you passed your hand near the opening, out came the paw playing "whack-a-mole" LOL
Oooh yeah, but more like wack a mole with a pitch fork. 😹😹😹
Thats Putt Putt. He still is about half wild. Rescued him during a severe lightening/thunder/rain storm. Wifey was watching comments about him on fakebook. She was about in tears( the wifey ), I finally told her, just go get him. FLASH she was gone. 😹😹😹😹
He seems to think I’m his pal. Every night, I go to bed, he is right there, jumps on the bed, sleeps by my feets, atop the covers. He dont move much until I get up in the mornings. Then itiz chow time. 😹😹😹
HAHA! just don't wiggle the toes under the blanket! He'll attack! our feline fur balls get mighty frisky in the night LOL.
Oh yes they do. This one aint too bad. He just sleeps.
Daytime He crawls up the side of the bed, gets under the bed spread, sleeps most the day under there.
I’m surprised he dont get carbon dioxide poisoning.