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Stupid stupid stupid


Reaction score
Garden City,Michigan
So I hope you all read my build-up thread because there might be a follow up to it:nonod: :eek:

Stupid me wanted to see how hard it would be to turn up the IP from the top, so I opened it up to take a look. Decided that though the side would be easier and for another day so I buttoned it all up. Hit the key to pull out of the back yard and it runway on me!!:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2::sad::sad::sad:

SO after about what seemed like 10 minutes more like 1 maybe 2 of it running full out & blowing enough black smoke to black out the sun as I was trying everything to shut it off. It pissed most of the antifreeze out (rad cap just happen to be off ) Blew what look to be the rear seal from the HV pump pushing like 90 psi & then it just shuts off.:confused: No knocking, banging or squealing. Well it took me about 2 hrs before I could go back outside to look over the damage and to my surprise I bumped the starter and it turned over. Any ideas????? I'm afraid to try and start it again. I mean the things got to be toast right? Lesson Learned: IF YOU HAVE A MECHANICAL IP INSTALL A MANUAL FUEL SHUT OFF SWITCH SOMEWHERE !!!!!!!because this will be the quickest way to shut it down if it malfunctions or you screw up!!! That little part will give you a lot of piece of mind..
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Just got off the phone with slim, I feel 95% better after our conversation. He say's the engine should be find and if it is I will NEVER OWN ANYTHING BUT!!!! because I can tell you right now had that been a SBC there would have been a BIG BOOM and it would have been all over.

Just another reason why this is the best form out there.. I only know slim from when I purchased my A-Team turbo from him, Have only met him once in a parking lot (when I bought the turbo) and still he has answer many many (probably more than most people would) questions about these Chevy diesels (as this was the first one I had owned) and lead me in the right path on my project. He has treated more so like a old friend than just a customer and name on a broad. He has had genuine concern about the problems I've encountered during my build and not one of them has been about nor has had anything to do with his product. If you ask me this speaks volumes about the man and what he stands for. I thank you and that's my :2cents:
He has treated more so like a old friend than just a customer and name on a broad. He has had genuine concern about the problems I've encountered during my build and not one of them has been about nor has had anything to do with his product. If you ask me this speaks volumes about the man and what he stands for. I thank you and that's my

Glad you feel better..........but I must say I'm not surprised.

What would suprise me, is if he (Or most Members) did not act out of genuine concern.