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Power Steering Pump Removal


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Antelope, CA
The last time I had to replace my PS pump was on my 99 burb and 95 sierra were 10 & 5 years ago. Both were different. Although I can't remember all the steps on the 99 I thought it would be the same but I don't remember it being so difficult. There are 3 bolts on the front underneath the pulley that I can loosen but not remove. There is 1 nut on the back that I can remove. It appears that the pump Is on the back side of the A/C bracket and the pulley is on the front. On the other 2 I used my pulley puller but it was after the pump was out. It appears that there is no way to get the pump out without first taking off the pulley. I tried pulling the pulley with my puller with no luck. After taking some pictures the pulley is held on by a large allen bolt. So I took of the dual bracket that holds on the PS pump and AC compressor. How to I remove the pulley with the allen wrench. I don't want to damage the pulley.
There is a special tool you can buy. Or the free rent program from auto parts stores.
Name is: power steering pulley remover/ install tool.

There is a pulley that is spoked to reach through and remove the 3 impossible bolts. But there are 2 different pulley depths iirc. So if you buy one, verify depth of spoked pulley vs original before Installing.
Your replacement is virgin Brand NEW AC Delco or out of a junkyard? I would like to save you the trouble of random DOA reman krap. Esp ones that burn up and dust the entire system requiring replacement of everything. I especially single out Cardone for DOA and system damage from their reman CRAP. Starters and PS pumps have the 2 worst bitch bolts on the engine - midway on the block that are very hard to get something on.

Also I recommend using a filter on the return line from the steering box. (Not the hydrobooster as any restriction can hold the brakes on.)

Who sells a "BBB" relabel of the:

Yup, pulley removal/installer tool. Most parts stores stocks them and they are made of chineseium so they dont cost a lot of money.
I bought one quite a phew years ago, it has been used about a dozen times.
I think they also work for older Dodge product alternator pulleys too.
Be sure to note just how far on the pulley is installed on the old pump before removing it, install pulley on new pump the same depth. Usually they are about flush on the shaft.
Thanks guy! I got her done. The real pisser is once I got it done I noticed a fuel leak. Luckily I mounted my ffm so it sits above the intake so it was easy to spot. What really pisses me off is I live in Sacramento. Do you think any part store or tractor supply has diesel rated hose? No one has it. I'm going to need to go to a truck supply on monday since they are closed for the weekend. My biggest issue will be if they have 3/8 since most big rigs use much larger than that.
The spoked style pulley is nice for the reasons above, you don't have to pull the pulley in order to remove the pump. However, at least on my '95, the spoked style doesn't get seated fully flush with the pump shaft, so if upgrading to the spoke style make sure it's installed in the same plane as the rest of the serp belt system. Picture of where the pulley had to be for me to line up with everything else
