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Camping games.

How about SOBE wars?

Can't beat a good SOBE bomb.

how much gas??? put the cap on?? if so, all the way?? throw in fire or set in fire?? details mang, details...!!! :D:p
Disclaimer: No one reading this should ever try this at home, in the woods, or anwhere that human beings can access. The description that follows is useless internet drivel that should never be attempted. Ever.

Get a SoBe soft drink bottle, or a glass bottle of similar shape. Fill it about 3/4 full of gasoline. Screw the lid back on, and place a small pin hole in the center of the lid.

Place the bottle upright in the campfire. Run away.
BTW, I have been asked to not participate in any more Scout trips sponsored by my church. I have no idea why.

:wtf: I couldnt even begin to imagine why they dont want you there. That bomb is a valuable life lesson for them youngsters...
I've seen an acetyline baloon go off once. This might top that.

For those not in the know, take a standard cutting torch rig, get it set for a nice cutting flame and snuff the fire out. Let the tip cool a bit, and then use it to inflate a regular balloon with it. Blow up 3 or 4 balloons the normal way, and when all your freinds are getting stewed and mellow around the campfire, bring out the ballons and start batting them about.

It is guaranteed that at some point, some certifiable prick will spike a balloon into the fire. Other people will follow suit, and eventually the acetylene one will make it.

Stand back and grin. the looks on everyones faces is PRICELESS!


You take newspaper (a real 4-fold newspaper, no tabloids) and create balloons out of the sheets. This is the skill part; bringing the 4 corners together and crimped together with tight side seams.

Once your balloon is formed, you need just the right fire; nice hot coals, little flame. Also helps to have very little wind.

Place balloon on fire - if successful, the sucker will take off - 20, 30 or more feet in the air on fire. Once the flame goes out, the paper will glow and look like a "brain" as it slowly floats back to the ground.
Bolo golf, there are two stands that you place 10' to 15' apart, there are three rungs on each stand, each player has three bolos (a 12" piece of rope with a golf ball tied to each end) you thrw the bolos at the stands trying to wrap them around one of the rungs. Top rung is 1pt, middle rung is 2 pt's and bottom rung is 3 pt's. Play to 21.

Excellent game (we know it as Polish Golf)...great game to play while consuming adult beverages back at the campsite. Can't hurt anything or anyone and you don't have to drive home.

...that little fire teaser looks like quite the attention getter...I'd try at at some elses campsite...:leaving:
Horseshoes are a must for me. We take washers too but the pipes are sunk into the ground, no wood. Sobe bombs and dry ice bombs are great.