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Hot off the Press, News Flash House of Heath to run at Bonneville this year afterall

Turbine Doc

Just Another Diesel Guy
Reaction score
Gautier, Ms./Anywhere Southern USA
Got this in a email this afternoon :

Subject: Blurr in E-burg!

Surprise------------we are going to Bonneville next month for World of Speed--the same event we did last year.

As you know, we had made the decision to not attend till Aug 10 to give me time to refine our engine modifications. However, while on the way home from the salt flats earlier this week, I got a call from the Diesel Depot guys who offered an engine for our use as an interim power plant so we could make the Sept and Oct events.

We have now finalized the arrangement and the engine is on its way. They are supplying one of their regular-production, 6.3-1/2 short blocks onto which we will fasten our racers heads.

----We are entered into the event which will have us on the salt Sept 15-19. We are working on the record that was set by the Casper D-Max last year of 166.85 mph. Should be a good time again. The Avants will be there with us along with our guys, some doctor buddies out of California as well as the original owner of the truck-----------all of whom were with us last year.

So says I; can I share this news

Bill's reply:

Yes-----I think you ought to have some fun with this new release. The fact is, the engine is one of their regular off the shelf assemblies.
It is an older 2-piece seal, 6.2 block featuring: stock rods and crank with coated Mahle replacement pistons. Heath Main Stud kit, ARP head studs, standard compression ratio, stock cam, followers, pushrods, rockers, chain - sprockets. HV oil pump.
Blueprinted to tight side of all factory clearance specs and balanced rotating assembly.

Pretty much the standard offering with a few of the options they offer----very much like most customers order.

Such a grand jesture by these fine gentlemen and one that is greatly appreciated by us. And talk about coming from left field--wow!

This will be a fun one to watch, to think that a 6.5 #1 is even running at Bonneville is huge, but setting the bar to match what a D-Max did is like WOW.

Way to go Bill :thumbsup: best of luck to you and the Heath Team, if stars & planets align I may show up for a front row seat.

You heard it here first folks, let's be cheering Mr. Bill & guys on that he can reach the mark he's shooting for.

Best of luck to Team Heath!

McRat and Casper are down there also.....I heard they ran 197 MPH.....but not on the books, yet.

Go fast prayers are with all our guys!
Hi all,

we did do a video at the WOS 08 event, but then subsequently botched the disc and lost that recording. We are going to try to do a better job this year! We plan to do shots out front and out the back---those rearward views are alway quite cool.

We had resigned ourselves to waiting till Aug 2010, to allow time to refine some upgrades we plan for the engine and trans, so this offer by the Depot was a B-12 shot. Even if we had decided to throw an engine together real quick for Sept event, the machinist we use is out on vacation so there is no way we could have gotten it done. Thanks to the Avants! It wasnt our idea, but we sure like it!

Seattle's Ted Rich has stepped up, offering to help us get there. Ted will be hauling a truck load of the stuff we need to take along and we really appreciate that support by him!

We encourage all of you to consider a little trip to the flats in Sept. This is a really fun and exciting thing and we would sure like to see you there.

Bill and gang
Realistic top speed expected?.......Maybe 180 mph?

I'm sure last years run has you preparing well....Same Twin turbo setup, Same tune?

So many questions, sorry.....I'm very excited for you and the gang, wish I could be there.
If any of you guys decide to go, and if you fly in to Salt Lake, I can pick you up at the airport. It is less than 2 hours from the airport to the races. You will just need to get a place to stay. Bill will be able to tell you where we are staying better than me.
180 would be swell----but not realistic--yet. Given that this is an interim engine and one not exacty optimized to our application, we will be happy to run near our original 153 average (158 out the back door) speed. Certainly, we will do all we can to go as fast as we can at this event.

A difference this time around will be that we are going to be able to control the transmission upshifts. Last time, as you may recall, I was unable to control the 1-2, 2-3 shifts and could only control the 3-4. That caused very early upshifts because of the light throttle necessary to avoid spinning the tires. The truck was in 3rd gear trying to lug on up to speed at a very low rpm. Soooo, we hit the 2 mile mark at a low speed.

We need to be able to hold each gear to 45-4700 rpm for good shift recovery rpm. I think we would run 2-3 mph faster by that driving change alone.

Thanx-----will keep you posted.

Bill and gang
ooops-----forgot. Yes, same exact setup (turbos, programming, inj, gears etc). We run only pure diesel and water inj.
It was nice meeting Bill and the gang this past weekend. Good Luck at WOS:cheers2:
Kat, wanna see a 200 MPH in cab video........I watched last years run and it's still way intense....

What happened with your last run........193 MPH?
180 would be swell----but not realistic--yet. Given that this is an interim engine and one not exacty optimized to our application

Maybe we'll be pleasantly suprised.........but, OK I could live with that.

Sound with the video makes all the difference.

Thanks and good fast, safe luck to you and the gang!
Kat, wanna see a 200 MPH in cab video........I watched last years run and it's still way intense....

What happened with your last run........193 MPH?

I don't want to hijack this thread. I will start a new one in drag racing :thumbsup: