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96 GM Remote Fob Unlock Function not Functioning


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Saratoga Springs, UT
Finally programed replacement key fobs. Jumped pins #4 & #8 as per instructions. Door Locks cycled…ready to accept reprogramming of new fobs which, pleasant surprise, worked pretty much as advertised. Remotes functions in that one can hear the module under the dash activating when pressing either lock or unlock.
The door locks though…yeah, only 50-50 functionality in that the doors both lock just fine but, unlocking…not so much.

You push the unlock button, there’s happy clicking noises under the dash but, nothing happens at either of the doors. I can’t hear the solenoids actuating or even feel them trying to so…off to the manuals.
The wifeys 08 Maliblue used to be a 50/50 if it would or would not lock/unlock the doors.
Eventually the battery in it died and I never messed with it anymore.
Just use the inside lock/unlock button as needed and use the key to unlock the door to get in.
Double tap the lock button on the drivers door with the drivers door open to lock the doors then always double check to make sure all the buttons is popped down. Press down the drivers door button, close the door and it is a done deal.
Thanks Rock, I’ve been chasing other things and failed to see your post. Kinda what I figured so I’ll hit a couple of parts yards and see what plays out…after it stops snowing again.